
Category: Food

  • Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo at BB King

    A few months ago, I saw that Pat Benatar was playing at BB King with Neil Giraldo. I only own one Pat Benatar CD (Crimes of Passion) and it’s absolutely awesome. I am embarrassed to admit that I had never heard the name Neil Giraldo, since he’s been her husband for 26 years, […]

  • Cherish The Ladies at Towne Crier Cafe

    Lois and I are very big fans of traditional Irish music. This should come as no surprise to those who know us (or regularly read this space), not because I write about Irish music a lot, but because we really love tons of roots music and there is a lot of Irish roots […]

  • Joan Baez at Paramount Theater

    Last night Lois and I drove 30 minutes to Peekskill, NY to see Joan Baez at the Paramount Theater. How we came to see this show is itself a long story, delivered later in this post. One of the biggest influences in my teen years was Bob Dylan. Not just the music, but […]

  • The Wailin’ Jennys at Joe’s Pub

    Last night finally came, our third time seeing The Wailin’ Jennys live, but our first time seeing them at our favorite place, Joe’s Pub. The last time we saw them was their last show of 2007, at Gravity Lounge in Charlotesville, VA, covered in this post. Unfortunately, there were quite a number of […]

  • Candy Dulfer at BB King

    I’ve known for a few weeks that Candy Dulfer would be playing last night at BB King. As much as I like her music, I didn’t purchase tickets in advance for two reasons: I thought we might be up at the house over the weekend and Lois isn’t that big of a Jazz […]

  • Exercise Season Begins

    I am ashamed to admit that today was my first official exercise of the year. In fact, probably in six months! 🙁 In July 2001, I had my first physical in forever (thanks for forcing me Lois!). I was way overweight and my cholesterol was high. The doctor wanted to put me on […]

  • Dave Mason Get Well

    We were headed to see Dave Mason at BB King last night. (No links in this post.) I even Twittered about it, so it had to be official. 😉 We got to BB’s a few minutes after the door was supposed to open, and were quite surprised (pleased?) to see that there was […]

  • Tim O’Brien at Joe’s Pub

    Last night we went to see Tim O’Brien perform at Joe’s Pub. Before I get to the show, I need to correct one (possible) mis-statement in yesterday’s long post about Kathy Mattea. Near the end of that post, I said the following: Kathy is playing at the Barns again tonight. Ironically, we’re headed […]

  • Girlyman at Joe’s Pub

    The wait between Girlyman concerts wasn’t quite as challenging this time around. As I reported in this post, it had been 143 days between concerts until we saw them last Wednesday at the Barns at Wolftrap. This time, we only had to amuse ourselves for four days. How we came to see them […]

  • Girlyman at Wolftrap

    Last night finally came, thankfully! We’ve been waiting (not so patiently!) since November 4th, 2007 to see Girlyman live again. That’s 143 days, in a row (if you can believe that). Somehow, we survived, but I’m not sure how! Continuing with the new tradition, I’ll cover the concert first, then circle back and […]