
Category: Personal

  • DKIM now installed

    DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is now running on my server. I don’t think there are enough sites using it yet for it to have been worth my effort (it was more effort than I expected it to be), but now it’s done, so we’ll see. Of course, if everyone else also said “It’s […]

  • So close, and yet, so far…

    Well, the semi-final started at 8pm. 1931 entrants, top 100 move on to the final, so roughly 5% make it… When there were 184 left, I was in 82nd, so it was looking possible, if not probable. Then I went card dead. When there were 113 left, I was in 113th. Still, I […]

  • Temporary success against the odds 😉

    I’ll save the normal monthly poker update for the end of the month, where it belongs. 😉 In the meantime, I’ll report on an interim success story, which might not have a happy ending, but at least had a happy beginning. 🙂 Today, I played in a tournament in the morning, and did […]

  • Sometimes technology lets you down 🙁

    I forced myself to take my long walk today. As usual, I am extremely glad that I did, but for one thing. I walk with an iPod, with a Logitech Bluetooth headset. For the first leg of my walk, I was listening to Wicked (I know, huge surprise) 😉 but in the middle […]

  • Martina McBride Rules!

    This could easily get very long, so either settle in, or bail now, seriously! 🙂 Last night, Lois and I went to Radio City Music Hall to see Martina McBride perform. From past posts (or if you just happen to know us), you know that Lois is a country music fanatic. However, for […]

  • Twitter

    In early March, I discovered Twitter by reading this post on Jamie’s blog. I immediately signed up for an account. Even though Jamie’s blog claimed that he didn’t see an immediate application for it, I did. Lois and I follow the lives of our godchildren via their away messages. 🙂 That’s useful, but […]

  • Welcome WordPress 2.2 🙂

    Announcement went out 35 minutes ago, and I’ve already successfully upgraded. Haven’t touched anything that’s new, but here it is, waiting to be abused. 🙂

  • Eric Sink and Sourcegear Rock!

    I’ve been a T-Shirt nut my whole life. I have hundreds of them, and prefer to wear one over any other form of shirt. So, when Eric Sink offered up an opportunity to earn a very cool Sourcegear T-Shirt, I couldn’t resist. 🙂 As promised, here are front and back shots of me […]

  • New Machine

    On April 23rd I announced the christening of my new server. At the time, I put the percentage of services that had been ported over at 95. It’s been at least 5 days since I’ve been at 100%, so the new machine is definitely “official”. Everything has been updated to point to the […]

  • April Poker Update

    Since I’m not likely to be playing tonight, I can post my April Poker results now. I invested (risked) a total of $352 during the month. I played in 24 tournaments. 16 were 1-table Hold’Em tourneys for $11 each, and 8 were multi-table Omaha Hi/Lo tourneys for $22 each. Without attempting to, I […]