Month: March 2008
Translating Eliot Spitzer Resignation Speech
I feel the need to provide a public service. Eliot Spitzer, Governor of New York, resigned today. He gave a heart-felt speech, that was carefully crafted to communicate as clearly as possible with everyone in the country. Unfortunately, not everyone has the appropriate decoder ring necessary to un-craft the true meaning of his […]
Brooke Miller
You know that I love acoustic music, and more specifically, acoustic guitar. I have written about a number of great acoustic guitarists in the past few months, among them Andy McKee and Don Ross. I had heard that Don Ross’ wife was a musician as well, but I didn’t have the time to […]
Strawberry Fields at BB King
I love The Beatles, always have, always will. Every Saturday, there is a brunch concert at BB King in NYC that features a Beatles cover band called Strawberry Fields. We have never been to see it, but I’ve threatened Lois on numerous occasions that I had an interest in going. One year ago, […]
Dave Mason at Blend
Last night we saw Dave Mason play at Blend in Ridgewood, NJ. Some things about last night were perfect, others far from it. Since I acquiesced to Lois when similar problems occurred at Canal Room in NYC (covered in this post), I’ll do it again, and cover the music (the perfect part!) first, […]
Random Madness
I’ve written a number of times regarding my frustration at the apparent randomness of many computer programs/processes. In some cases, it’s simply not explainable (from the user’s perspective). In some cases, it almost feels rigged, but then something else happens, which even casts doubt on that theory… Regular readers already know that we […]
ejabberd 2.0.0
I have been running ejabberd 1.1.3 since I christened my current server nearly a year ago. In this post, I reported on some of the problems I had getting ejabberd to work with the Python-based ICQ and AIM transports. All of the problems were mine, and not the fault of the software. The […]
Meaningless Opinions
Once again, The New York Times proves how relevant and in touch it is with the country. Today, they ran an editorial which gives voice to eight former presidential candidates. I couldn’t bring myself to click through to a single one of these. I’m not saying that the issues aren’t important. I am […]
Old Shoes
A long and busy week at one of our portfolio companies is finally over. For Lois, all of the days were chock full of chores, but yesterday, February 29th, 2008 was particularly hectic and draining. While not normally a superstitious person, I have a strong feeling that Lois is feeling happy that it […]