Last night, Lois and I went to BB King’s to see the Charlie Daniels Band (CDB). In the past, I’ve mentioned that Lois is a huge Country music fan, and that I have (happily) come along for the ride. The truth is that I have loved CDB since I was a teen (their first album came out 33 years ago, and I’m pretty sure I still have the vinyl of it from my teens!), but I guess I never made the connection that it was “Country” that I was enjoying.
So, we were both very excited to go see a band we both loved, at a place we both love.
We got there right before the doors opened and got very good seats not too far from the stage. I ended up eating something quite appropriate for a CDB concert, a Pulled Pork sandwich. They do it really well at BB King.
CDB (and Charlie in particular) were simply spectacular. The crowd could not have been more over-the-moon for him/them. Roughly 1/2 the audience gave them a standing ovation after every number (not typical for most acts). My leg didn’t stop stomping (right, not just tapping), the entire show.
One person in the crowd yelled out “Happy Birthday yesterday Charlie”. To which Charlie responded, “Well, not quite. I turn 71 next Sunday!” (a week from today). At that point, the entire audience sang “Happy Birthday” to him. Wow, 71, and his fingers still fly on the guitar, and he can fiddle with the best of them as well! His singing voice is as strong and smooth as ever as well.
The band did one completely instrumental number, with every member in the band taking at least one solo, to show off their individual virtuosity. They are awesome.
One giant difference from nearly every concert we’ve seen in NYC ever. In most, if there is anything even remotely smacking of politics, it turns into Bush Bashing instantly, and the crowd typically eats it up. This is, after all, New York City. Charlie was not political, but he was 100% in support of our troops. When he dedicated a song to them (In America), the crowd went nuts, and could not have been more supportive of the troops, and of CDB’s homage to them, etc. It was an amazing difference in crowd sentiment to what we’re used to. It was refreshing!
So, what should have been a perfect evening had one small disappointment to it. CDB played for exactly one hour, to the second. This is the shortest concert that I have ever attended in NYC, and given how great they were, it was disappointing. They closed the show with the ever-pleasing crowd favorite The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Charlie introduced the song with: “I know you wouldn’t let us off the stage alive if we didn’t do this one!” ๐
No encore, which was surprising, to say the least…
Anyway, better an hour of perfection than two hours of nonsense, obviously, but still, he left us wanting a lot more, especially for the ticket prices he commands…
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